



Welcome. I’m Caitlyn, an astrologer living among the Rocky Mountains.

Over the last few years, my communities online and in-person have begun to stir. I’m witnessing my fellow human beings pursue greater dreams on this earth and awaken to the power of their eternal selves. As they integrate this process of awakening into their day to day lives, they face many opportunities for transformation, for change. As these spiritual upgrades begin moving through us, many of us feel called to change careers, to welcome children, to develop or dissolve partnerships, to move geographic locations, and more.

Caitlyn Possehl astrologer, intuitive oracle guide

Transitions are a part of our lives, moving through them with intention and inspiration can be challenging. I’m here to guide you.

My vision is to help you open portals to your infinite self. Through Galactic Akashic Records and soul-deep natal chart readings, we will open the conversations with your guides, angels, star lineages, and Highest Self. With these energy and communications portals open, your soul’s entire lifetimes of wisdom and potential become available to you to harness in the here and now.

Kind Words