Soul Activation Reading,
Intuitive Astrology
(1 Hour): $275/hour

This is a dive into your Hellenistic natal chart. Whether you’re deep into astrology work or only aware of your sun sign - our work together will help you hear the wisdom of the stars through your natal chart.  The sacred archetypes of our realm can be read in the planets across these twelve houses. In this reading, we’ll dive deep into the stories written within your chart, your cosmological DNA,  one layer at a time. Whether we’re reviewing the positions of the luminaries and your ascendant, or diving deep into placements and relationships between the planets across your chart, there is much to learn. Let me activate the memories of why you came to this planet and the joy you’re meant to find here.

In these readings, I invite you to bring a few topics or questions to focus on. Readings I’ve done in the past have started with potent openers like the following. Where will yours begin?

  • Where do my highest potentials lie?

  • Why am I feeling so challenged in this area?

  • Finding, keeping, and healing love.

  • Help me to understand my most activating relationships.

  • How do I change my relationship to money?

  • Questions about my life’s path.

All of these stories and their characters can be seen in the natal chart. Through careful review of your chart and channeling the wisdom of your eternal self and guides, we’ll move through the answers to your incarnation’s most challenging questions together. 

One 60-minute session where we will review your natal chart and discuss the details of its implications

Channeling of your over-soul’s and guides’ messages on any of the questions surfaced in the reading

Affirmations and mantras to assist you as you move through the next steps on your path

Recording of your session

Access to multi-session mentorship

A hard copy of your natal chart and any channeled notes taken by Caitlyn during your session

Galactic Akashic Records Reading:

(1.5 Hours): $415

The Map to Your Starseed Soul’s History.

This reading is a deep dive into your Galactic history as a soul. This type of Akashic Record reading shows us the path your soul traveled through the Milky Way galaxy, from your origins to your most recent star nation experiences. With these insights, we can see deeply into the stories, archetypes, and galactic experiences shaping your experience in this planetary incarnation.

Intimately interact with your soul’s galactic history with detailed information on the journey through different star nations.

Receive your Higher Self’s affirmation of your Divine Will, Divine Ideal, and Divine Responsibility/Rebellion in play in this Earth experience.

Meet and connect with the Star Nations lending their assistance, guidance, and support to you in this incarnation .

These readings have a deeply healing effect on starseeds, lightworkers, and all of us serving as galactic ambassadors here on Earth.

Kind Words