Welcome to 9th House Rising.

My name is Caitlyn Possehl and it is an honor to welcome you to this space. I am an Intuitive, Astrologer, Galactic Akashic Records reader, Speaker, amongst many other identities. Like all of us, I’m an infinite being here to enjoy this Earthly experience and transition our planet to 5D. The last twelve years of my life have been spent in sales and leadership across the technology industry. In my time outside these corporate endeavors, I’ve been in study of the other dimensional beings in the Universe, in communion with the stars, and creating my own image of vibrance in this incarnation on Earth.

Caitlyn Possehl Astrologer Rocky Mountains

Welcome to 9th House Rising. My name is Caitlyn Possehl, welcome to my space. It’s an honor to have you. When the COVID-19 pandemic hit, our entire planet underwent a software upgrade, a reboot. And as I integrated this new software, this crystalline DNA activation, I began to feel a push outward from my over-soul. My skills no longer feel personal, they feel like they belong to others. That’s what I’m doing here at 9th House Rising. I’m serving our planet’s awakening the way I’m able. I’m so happy you found your way here, in this moment, at this time - I can’t wait to serve you however best I can. You are meant to be here. 

When I turned 18, I left my parents’ house and started looking for inspiration, for wisdom to guide me as I stepped into the first phase of my adulthood. I had the extreme luck to be enrolled in university in Boulder, Colorado - a portal of powerful multidimensional energy you can feel vibrating through the air.  In this place of snow dusted stone formations, bright sunshine, and clear cold water I could feel my soul begin to more freely inhabit my physical body. Teachers like Doreen Virtue, Louise Hay, Sonia Choquette, and Wayne Dyer came into my sphere of attention. Their connection to the divine thrilled me. I began buying card decks: The Archangels, The Ascended Masters, and my favorite of favorites, The Goddesses. I learned how to give myself card readings, how to intuit messages beyond the booklet descriptions. I called these masters into my daily life and surrounded myself with their energies.  The more I interacted with the angelic realm and ascended energies, the more I wanted to learn to create my own reality. Wayne Dyer has beautiful books on this and I found more teachers like Mike Dooley and Abraham Hicks. Hay House Radio led me to guides like Sandra Anne Taylor for Akashic Record visitation and Past Life healings; to Kyle Gray for his clear channeling of the Angels connected with Earth’s energies. The more I danced among these energies, the more I felt at home, the more I felt in line with purpose, the more I fell in love with Life. 
While I tapped more deeply into my connection with the cosmos, I spent my days working for some of the largest technology corporations on Earth. Serving customers in sales roles across cybersecurity, data analytics, and the future of cloud computing, I have been on the cutting edge of the technology changing our third-dimensional reality. It’s been a wild ride. Leadership at these companies gave me great satisfaction in my capability, my capacity, my call to serve. Now it’s time I step outside of the lines of corporate America and into the realm of infinite possibilities. To take on the biggest challenge I ever imagined for myself, serving the ascension of our souls on this beautiful blue marble planet.

Through all these years, the cosmos fascinated me and the ancient study of astrology always held my attention. In 2020, I enrolled in my first dedicated year-long study of Astrology with Adam Elenbaas at Nightlight Astrology. It felt like re-discovering one of the languages of my infinite self. Having studied many more teachers’ work (Jennifer Freed, Liz Greene, Demetra George, Chris Brennan, Chani Nicholas, Caroline Myss, Richard Tarnas, Caroline Casey, and others) through texts, workshops, and seminars, I know my learning journey is only just beginning. I met my spirit guide for the first time in 2021 and my community of guides, star family, and elementals has grown more numerous over time. With the guidance of my Higher Self and of my community, I’ve found myself in this work as a healer, a leader, a guide.

The Earth is rising. We are awakening. We are remembering. Welcome to the spiritual revolution.